Health & SafetyOur health and safety vision:
“NO JOB IS SO URGENT THAT THERE IS INSUFFICIENT TIME TO DO IT SAFELY.” TMC Trailers Ltd is committed to a process of continuous improvement in order to achieve excellence in the management of health and safety in all of our workplaces. We recognise the positive impact that the values and benefits of enhanced health and safety bring to TMC Trailers Ltd, its employees, and our clients.
TMC Trailers Ltd will actively manage hazards in the workplace. All practicable steps will be taken to prevent harm occurring to employees and their health, safety and welfare will be actively promoted by:
Managers will work in partnership with employees and ensure that all employees have the opportunity to participate in the above process, and will respond promptly to all health and safety concerns raised. Individual employees will met their obligation to take all practicable steps to ensure their own and others health and safety, and are encouraged to become actively involved in assisting managers achieve a healthy and safe workplace. Employees will co-operate and accurately report and record hazards and other sub standard conditions, accidents and near misses, to their manager. Managers will assist all employees in getting back to work safely and as early as possible after an injury. |